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Queensferry C.P. School

Achieve, Believe, Succeed
Cyflawni, Credu, Llwyddo


Criw Cymraeg

Siaradwr yr wythnos

Welsh 4 Parents Programme

Siaradwr yr wythnos

Sewing our quilt

Criw Cymraeg on the yard

Riley and Aria picked for our Siaradwr yr wythnos for incidental Welsh around school.

Kylah is our Siaradwr yr wythnos this week.

Dosbarth Poppies activities for Dydd Santes Dwynwen

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Clwb Cymraeg is back with cars making and fun for dydd santes Dwynwen

Gemau Buarth efo Criw Cymraeg

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Ymadrodd yr wythnos ydy “ble est ti ar y

penwythnos? “ 

es I I … 

where did you go at the weekend? 
I went to…

Archie and Cobie winning Siaradwr yr wythnos this week

Blwyddyn Newydd Dda, we are back to working on our targets and every week each class is adding to their class seesaw profiles. 
our theme for learning about Welsh culture and tradition is traditional stories this term. We are getting ready to celebrate Dydd Santes Dwynwen next week.  Keep a look out on our for all our latest Welsh updates 

Another great Welsh assembly and I’m so pleased with the enthusiasm shown for our mascot Cymraeg book which goes home with 2 children every week. This week Jessica in Daffodils and Zelika in Sunflowers are entertaining our dragons. I will add some pics of the diary entries so far .

Everyday phrases around school wins the Siaradwr this week

This week we have been learning about Wales Climate Week. 
Thinking about - why it’s important to learn Welsh, the older children creating animations on adobe and the younger children using Siarad station. 
We’re quickly moving on to target 2 and 3 too

Siadarwr yr wythnos

Ymadrodd yr wythnos ydy 

“wyt ti’n hoffi ……….?” Do you like 

ydw dw i’n hoffi……… yes I like 

nag ydw dw I dim yn hoffi………no I don’t like

We’re linking this with hobiau vocab from last week. yes

Siaradwr yr wythnos

We have been working on target 1 for our silver award. We have been busy practicing helper heddiw, updating our topic displays. We have completed our questionnaire on our progress in Welsh and we have all started updating our campus Cymraeg seesaw. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Siaradwr yr wythnos

Beth wyt ti’n gwisgo am disgo spooky?

Siaradwr yr wythnos, hydref 24

Siaradwr yr wythnos

Ymadrodd yr wythnos ydy … 

oes gen ti brawd? 
Oes mae gen i un brawd. 
nag oes does gen I didn’t brawd.

oes gen ti chwaer ?

oes mae gen i un chwaer 

nag oes does gen i ddim chwaer. 

Siaradwr yr wythnos

Ruby and Amelia

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Super effort girls , practising at home , I’m very proudπŸ‘πŸ‘

Siaradwr yr wythnos

We are aiming for our Silver award in Campws Cymraeg this year and we have made a very good start, establishing some new members of Criw Cymraeg and fixing our Welsh Assemblies on Thursday pm .
This term we are focusing on learning about places in Wales.  
keep your eyes open here for our weekly phrase of the week and our Welsh speakers of the week too.

Ymadrodd yr wythnos ydy “Faint ydy dy oed di?” How old are you ?

we answer… Dw I’n ________ oed . 
have a practice at home . 

Siaradwr yr wythnos week 3

Criw Cymraeg 2024-2025

Siaradwr yr wythnos

Competition winners 2024

Dw i’n gymro, dw i’n Gymraeg

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Beautiful singing in our Eisteddfod today

Eisteddfod 2024

Criw Cymraeg 2023

Clwb Cymraeg are busy making a banner for our harvest festival

Siaradwr yr wythnos

Chwarae yn gymraeg

Jambori 2023

Siaradwr yr wythnos

Ameer presenter visited today

Siaradwr yr wythnos

Ymadrodd yr wythnos

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Siaradwr yr wythnos

Siaradwr yr wythnos

Eisteddfod wins

Consortium Eisteddfod 2023


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ymadrodd yr wythnos

Siaradwr yr wythnos ydy

ymadrodd yr wythnos ydy..

Ymadrodd yr wythnos

Siaradwr yr wythnos

Reception sing Sut mae tywydd heddiw?

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Mae ganddo byd cyfan

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Aderyn Melyn

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Y1 singing mr hapus ydw i

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Eisteddfod 2023

Cooking Welsh cakes on the forest school fire

dydd Dewi Sant heddiw

Criw Cymraeg judging Eisteddfod entries 2023

Welsh cake making , gwneud cacen Cymraeg

Kahoot for dydd mwsig cymru

Dydd santes dwynwen hapus

Free books from Welsh books council

Welsh girls football Disney players 2022

Wythnos nesa ydy

Ymadrodd o wythnos ydy

Criw Cymraeg 2022

Evie and Sara demonstrate the phrase of the week

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Ymadrodd y wythnos ydyd

Just a quick Criw Cymraeg update for this new term.  We have been busy working towards our Bronze Award and these are some of our latest achievements…

Our school Masgot Dewi is set up and circulating weekly.

many Welsh displays are up around school.

each class has a set play box for Welsh colouring.

our weekly assemblies are set up and follow the same formula each week.

our iPads have Welsh apps available.

we update the graffiti wall each week.

We are encouraging Welsh games on the yard. 
Welsh club will continue to run for several more weeks.

PE lessons are being developed to include lots of Welsh.


Hopefully ever closer to achieving our Bronze Award soon.

Gwerthu Cacen a masgot cymraeg ban Paige yn flwyddyn 6

clwb cymraeg - gwerthu cacen

Ble est ti dros yr penwythnos?

ymadrodd yr wythnos - where did you go at the weekend?

Ymadrodd yr wythnos

Ymadrodd yr wythnos- beth wyt ti’n mwynhau wneud

Criw cymraeg reading with reception


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Ymadrodd yr wythnos

Ymadrodd yr wythnos

Ymadrodd yr wythnos

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Wyt ti’n Hoffi?
Ydw dw I’n hoffi.....
Nag ydw dw I ddim yn hoffi....

We’re all set for our eisteddfod 2022.

Penwythnos da

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Competition winners

Criw cymraeg did an awesome job presenting the Eisteddfod - adderchog Bawb

Eisteddfod 2022

Criw cymraeg judging our St David’s day competition entries

Mae Ganddi,mae ganddo....

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Fy ffrind by Evie

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Lots of our children have entered competitions for this event - please keep an eye if we have any winners

ymadrodd yr wythnos

Blwyddyn newydd Hapus

here’s a criw cymraeg update…

We have put a halt to our weekly assembly but Mrs Price distributes to class teachers so we can continue with Phrase of the week.

we have a selection of Welsh books distributed to each class.

we are entering the Wrexham and Flintshire St David’s day competition. 
we took part in world record attempt the most children singing Hei Mr Urdd.

our topic in Ks2 is all about living in Wales.

All classes celebrated Dydd Santes Dwynwen.

Busy ,busy, busy as always

please keep an eye out for Welsh activities on our website and the phrases to help your child with at home.


Mrs Price


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Wyt ti’n Gallu cwharae efo mud? Wyt ti’n gallu wneud dens?

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wyt ti'n gallu? phrase of the week beginning 31 January - can you..........?

This term we have started Criw Cymraeg in our school.

Our Criw are made up of 2 pupils from each class from Y2 - Y6

We have had several meetings so far and have started to prepare our noticeboard for our new entrance hall.

We meet pupils on the way in to assembly and out.

We share the "Phrase of the week" and we are keeping our ears open to hear Welsh around the school.  

Keep your eyes on our website to see any updates.  

sut wyt ti?

pa diwrnodd? which day ? week beginning 11th October

Apps for parents to download to support your child learn Welsh

Y6 pupils demonstrating our phrase of the week

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Please practice at home

Pa diwrnodd ydy hi heddiw?

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What day is it today?

Pryd mae dy penblwydd do?

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When is your birthday?

Croeso picture winners foundation phase

Pa liw?

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Wyt ti’n Hoffi.....

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This weeks phrase of the week is do you like?

Ble mae Dewi? Where is Dewi

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This week we are learning prepositions . Have a go at practising at home.

Wyt ti eisiau.......? Do you want?

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Check out our y6 Criw Cymraeg members showing the phrase of the week

Gem Buarth ydy Faint o’r gloch Mr Blaidd?

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We are playing what the time Mr Wolf?

Helper heddiw yn flwyddyn 5

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Sut mae Tywydd heddiw?

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Hwyaden, hwyaden, gwydd

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Plis Mr Crocodeil - ga I croesi’r afon?

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Evie,covid, Logan and Melissa are playing our new Welsh game on the yard- I’m so proud

Criw cymraeg have been so busy this term. Our Croeso pictures are on display. Our Criw cymraeg pupils are displayed, our campus cymraeg targets are displayed, our Welsh assemblies are running every Monday. Our Criw cymraeg are busy on the yard operating pod siarad and playing welsh games. We have started a Welsh library books audit.  We have an action plan all set for 2022 - exciting times πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘β€οΈβ€οΈ

Sut oedd y tywydd ddoe?

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phrase of the week January 10th - Welcome Back !!

y5 criw cymraeg demonstrating ymadrodd yr wythnos

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