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Queensferry C.P. School

Achieve, Believe, Succeed
Cyflawni, Credu, Llwyddo


Opening Times

The school yard doors will be open from 8:50am for children to filter into their classrooms where their teachers will settle them for the school day. It is vital that all children are in school on time and ready to learn. Children arriving late to school must come through the main entrance and report to Reception.


For Reception to Year 1, the school day ends at 3pm. The children must be picked up from the school yard at the end of the day. They are brought out onto the school yard by the class teachers and are handed over to the parents or the designated person. Please wait for your child to be sent to you after their teacher and TAs have made eye contact with you so that we can ensure all children leave school safely. No child will be allowed to go home alone. No child will be handed over to an unknown adult. School must be notified if there is a change in arrangements in the person picking your child up at the end of the school day.


Year 2 to Year 6 children finish school at 3.05pm. It is important that a parent or designated adult accompanies your child to and from school. Children should not walk to school or go home alone until they are in Year 5 and parental permission has been given.


If your child needs to leave school early, you must inform school via Seesaw message or by telephone, stating the reason.


At certain times, children may have ‘extra-curricular activities’ after school hours. Parents will be notified about the finishing times of these activities and permissions slips will need to be signed. All children must be collected by an adult after attending extra-curricular activities

Normal school opening hours are as follows:


Early Entitlement

Monday to Thursday

8:50am – 11:20am



Monday to Friday

8:50am – 11:20am


Reception & Year 1

Monday to Friday

8:50am – 3pm


Year 2 to Year 6

Monday to Friday

8.50am – 3:05pm

